
Darcy Eikenberg, PCC

I help leaders how to help their people stay & grow in the new world of work

So you REALLY want to be a better people leader—or want to grow more effective people leaders across your organization—but it all feels so darn complicated these days, right? Hybrid workforces. Increased demands on pay and time off. Turnover turbulence. Economic headwinds. Fill in your company's crisis du jour here. 😱 I help leaders create fresh solutions to people problems, especially when it comes to retaining and motivating their best people. In a nutshell, I help you help people stay—and grow, and thrive. And when your people grow, you do, too. **Please know you're not alone. I see you, and I can help. One way to start is to sign up for my weekly Insider strategies and stories—ideas I only share with my private clients and with you directly in email. **

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are you waiting for permission to grow?

I'll often admit to asking for forgiveness instead of permission, Reader. Maybe you're the same way. So I'm always surprised when I talk to someone who's waiting for permission to do something they know is the right thing to do. I get it--doing what we know is right can feel risky in a world where not everyone agrees on "right." Our relationships—especially in a remote and/or time-strapped workplace— can feel easily crackable if we unintentionally injure or insult someone. 😳 So we tend to...

4 days ago • 1 min read

Recently, Reader, you might have seen my article in the Harvard Business Review offering strategies for when your colleagues have an outdated perception of you. (Read it here if you missed it--may require a free sign-up). Misperceptions about what you can do can cause you to miss out on new projects and be stuck in things you've done forever, which can get boring fast. But what if others are just forgetting or overlooking how you can help? In today's wild world of "who's working from where...

11 days ago • 1 min read

I remember the feeling so well, Reader . . . (cue the wayback machine) I'd just closed a $1MM+ consulting deal with the mercurial but powerful EVP of HR at my client's Fortune 50 company. It was the biggest contract in our region to date that didn't involve software--just services. MY team's services--communication and change management. Services no client had paid us a million buckaroos before to do. The traditional sales leader hadn't wanted to be involved. "A" (that's what we'll call him)...

18 days ago • 2 min read

"But I don't see anything," my mom thumbed into the group text as I announced the eclipse had begun. "PUT YOUR GLASSES ON!" typed both my sister and I simultaneously. As I patiently watched the sun turn into Pac-Man-esque shapes during the moon's partial blockage, I started thinking about the word eclipse. Beyond its celestial meanings, to be eclipsed can mean losing power or significance. Which got me thinking about what we might need to eclipse in our day-to-day lives right now. I mean, we...

25 days ago • 1 min read

Y'know Reader, one of the blessings of doing what I do here at is the opportunity to meet so many amazing people from all around the world. Yes, it's good to have friends. Recently, I had a chance to have fun, in-depth chats with a couple of my talented friends on their popular podcasts. First, there's my pal Tina Marie St. Cyr, who fires up the Ignite Your Leadership podcast. We chatted about bringing more courage to our conversations--especially when things aren't...

about 1 month ago • 1 min read

You've probably been where I find myself today, Reader, wrestling through a tough, tough situation. If you have been, you know it's time-consuming, and frankly, exhausting. Here's what's weird. At the end of a loooong day, you hunt for signs of progress. But they're not obvious and don't seem significant, at least not in proportion to the joules of energy it took. What's really going on here? Why do things take longer than we think they should, and why do some things feel harder than we...

about 1 month ago • 1 min read

The weight of our combined work and lives can feel awfully heavy sometimes, right Reader? Customers, clients (internal and external) and colleagues need us in our offices and online workplaces. Families, friends, and our communities need us when we're home. And then we have to find time to walk 10,000 steps, make green smoothies, floss and meditate. 🙏🏼 Let's not kid ourselves. That's a freeeeekin' lot. I talked to a client this week who was starting to break under the weight of all those...

about 2 months ago • 1 min read

I KNOW you've been there, Reader. I'm there right now. When someTHING's not working right. Where someBODY needs to say something. And as you look around, you realize that somebody is now YOU. (Gulp.) No matter whether you're a leader of people with official performance management responsibilities, or if you're part of a project team that's going astray, here's the truth: You'll someday be in a spot where you have to say hard things to a good person. (Yup, someone who might even remind you a...

about 2 months ago • 1 min read

Let's get real for a moment, Reader. Even the most confident among us get itchy when we know we need to negotiate something important at work—like our pay, time off, or workload. Since negotiation is so damn uncomfortable for most of us, what do we do? You guessed it. We DON'T. That's where my friend Kathryn Valentine comes in. Kathryn works with companies to help them retain more women, and in the process, helps women (and increasingly, men--more on this later) negotiate what matters to them...

2 months ago • 1 min read

Hey--if you sent me a Q for our LinkedIn Live Ask Me Anything earlier this week, be sure to catch the replay here for your answer! *** So, a crazy thing happened today, Reader. You & I miraculously gained one more day in the year. Yup, it's Leap Day! It's the day every four years when the mysterious calendar Illuminati gift us with 24 more hours to reset revolutions around the sun so we don't spin wildly off our axis and screw up the universe. Or something kinda like that. 🧐 At any rate, the...

2 months ago • 1 min read
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