
Darcy Eikenberg, PCC

you gonna leap?

Published 2 months ago • 1 min read

Hey--if you sent me a Q for our LinkedIn Live Ask Me Anything earlier this week, be sure to catch the replay here for your answer!


So, a crazy thing happened today, Reader.

You & I miraculously gained one more day in the year.

Yup, it's Leap Day!

It's the day every four years when the mysterious calendar Illuminati gift us with 24 more hours to reset revolutions around the sun so we don't spin wildly off our axis and screw up the universe.

Or something kinda like that. 🧐

At any rate, the result is a bonus day—a good day to think about the leaps you want to make in your leadership—and your life.

But a leap means stretching. Reaching. Leaning forward vs holding back.

Damn, that's uncomfortable. And we rage against that, don't we?

We're built for comfort. In fact, we tend to organize our homes, cars and shoes around it.

Lives, too.

But the truth is that discomfort is the only way to grow.

So, Reader, as you think about the next leap for you, is it time to make yourself uncomfortable?

If you're not sure, ask yourself the q's I've shared here.

After you read the article, hit REPLY and tell me about the leaps YOU want to take--maybe now, maybe soon. Or if you're mid-leap right now, and want a little encouragement, hit REPLY and tell me about it. I read every note from you and work hard to respond to all.

What I know is that we can't soar from a standing start. It all starts with a leap. Happy bonus day, and keep that red cape on!

Always, Darcy

P.S. For 2024, I committed myself to go LIVE on LinkedIn once a month to answer YOUR questions. Our February session covered:

  • How to help your team connect more;
  • Managing transitions when a new person is stepping into existing folk's roles;
  • Ways to think differently about building trust with your leaders, teams, and even yourself.

Watch it here, and share the link with a colleague, too. And watch for the March date coming soon! Thanks! --D

Darcy Eikenberg, PCC

I help leaders how to help their people stay & grow in the new world of work

So you REALLY want to be a better people leader—or want to grow more effective people leaders across your organization—but it all feels so darn complicated these days, right? Hybrid workforces. Increased demands on pay and time off. Turnover turbulence. Economic headwinds. Fill in your company's crisis du jour here. 😱 I help leaders create fresh solutions to people problems, especially when it comes to retaining and motivating their best people. In a nutshell, I help you help people stay—and grow, and thrive. And when your people grow, you do, too. **Please know you're not alone. I see you, and I can help. One way to start is to sign up for my weekly Insider strategies and stories—ideas I only share with my private clients and with you directly in email. **

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