q's to ask when your birthday approaches 🎂🎂🧁

So Reader, it's almost my birthday.

And this year, it's a big one with a zero on the end. 😳

I'm rarely frightened by big zeros, but this milestone's been troubling my big beautiful brain a bit. I'm talking back to it, though, remembering that my grandmother used to say "birthdays are better than the alternative."

Me, I'm incredibly grateful to add another year to the roster, especially after all the world's challenges of our recent past.

Typically, I like birthdays a lot, and I know some of you do, too. But the passing of another year can bring up a thousand questions, like:

  • What am I doing with my life?
  • Does my work really matter?
  • Am I getting ahead in my career? How do I know?
  • Does anybody care? Hello??? Hello???!!

I'm not immune to the swirl, but over time, I've narrowed the questions down to these:

Read my article, "4 Career Questions to Ask Yourself on Your Birthday"

And no, one of the questions is NOT "is there more cake?"  🧁

So, how about you, Reader? What questions are you asking yourself right now (whether it's your birthday or just a regular ole day-day?) Hit REPLY and tell me. I always want to hear from you. Plus, there's no judgment here, no right or wrong—you be you. I learn so much from each of your stories and experiences.

As I get ready to honor the day I was born, I'm also sending out waves of appreciation to you. Your presence is my present, today and always. Thanks for being here and keeping your red cape soaring in our world of work.

Always, Darcy

P.S. My birthday's approaching but here's a gift for YOU right now--$50 off any of the great video classes we have for you here. Just use coupon code LABORLOVE24 at checkout to get the $50 savings. If you've been considering digging into one of my classes such as Get Career Clear or Should You Stay or Go?, now's a great time. The coupon expires September 3, so dive in! Enjoy! --D

Darcy Eikenberg, PCC

So you REALLY want to be a better people leader—or want to grow more effective people leaders across your organization—but it all feels so darn complicated these days, right? Hybrid workforces. Increased demands on pay and time off. Turnover turbulence. Economic headwinds. Fill in your company's crisis du jour here. 😱 I help leaders create fresh solutions to people problems, especially when it comes to retaining and motivating their best people. In a nutshell, I help you help people stay—and grow, and thrive. And when your people grow, you do, too. **Please know you're not alone. I see you, and I can help. One way to start is to sign up for my weekly Insider strategies and stories—ideas I only share with my private clients and with you directly in email. **

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